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STEM integration

What is the STEM professional development requirement for certificate renewal?  Educators submitting renewal applications for residency, professional, initial, continuing teacher and CTE teacher certificates with STEM-related endorsements must document completion of at least 15 clock hours, the equivalent in credit, or at least one goal from an annual professional growth plan (PGP), with an emphasis on STEM integration.


STEM Integration

Authentic combination of at least two STEM components (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). Whether or not a teacher needs to meet this requirement depends on their certificate’s endorsements, not on their job assignment. Teachers with one or more of the following endorsements must meet this requirement:

  • Agriculture Education
  • Business and Marketing Education
  • Computer Science
  • CTE (All Areas)
  • Designated Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth & Space Science
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary Education
  • Family and Consumer Sciences Education
  • Mathematics; Middle-Level Mathematics
  • Science; Middle-Level Science
  • Technology Education


STEM Integration Qualified Activities (Log 15 hours total any combination)

  • Reflect on your current endorsement's STEM integration
  • Plan, create, or incorporate curriculum for a project integrating science and technology, or math and technology, or a design challenge that uses math and science.
  • Collaborate with a math, science, technology, or CTE teacher to plan, create, or implement curriculum for a project integrating science and technology, or math and technology, or a design challenge that uses math and science.


Course Participant must summarize how STEM integrated curriculum relates to the following:

  • Will the STEM activity have an impact on STEM experiences for students?
  • Does the STEM activity provide examples or resources to use with students or with other educators?
  • Does the STEM activity provide examples or resources about STEM-related career choices to use with students?
  • Does your STEM activity combine at least (2) STEM components?


    STEM Certificate Renewal

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